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Writer's pictureThe Green Team

Stay Neutral or Pay the Price

Updated: Nov 3, 2019

Lately, I’ve seen a popular new trend in business; taking sides in political battles.

While I agree, we certainly live in “interesting” times; you represent not only your company’s brand but all of its employees and their families. In this highly charged political environment, it doesn’t matter which side you take. Your company and all of your employees will lose.

It doesn’t matter whether you believe 1000% in the cause you are backing. Taking a political stance using a brand name can have lasting consequences. You can damage your brand with people with opposing viewpoints, lose essential employees, and lose revenue long term. Any short term gains from those with similar views will eventually go away, leaving those with opposing viewpoints upset, possibly for life.

I’m not saying that you, as an individual, shouldn’t have a point of view. However, try not to express it through your business or using its logo or power to do so. You couldn’t possibly speak for 100% of your employees or their families. It’s like playing God. That job is best left to the one and only. Doing so may backfire in ways you can’t see coming.

I have a suggestion. Out of respect for your employees, when asked something political, state that your company prefers to remain neutral. If pressed, say, “I have my personal opinions on the subject. However, I cannot express those in a business setting. I represent people who may have differing opinions. I cannot comment on behalf of them all.”

Remember, businesses thrive because of happy employees and customers. You cannot guarantee both if you choose a side. Keep politics out of the game, unless your game is politics!

Thanks for reading. If you like this or any of my other articles, please make sure and share them on social media.

-Lonnie Passoff

Founder and President

Green.Money (Green Payment Processing)

About the Author:

Lonnie Passoff started the first-ever internet-only electronic check processing firm in 2008. It has grown to be the largest e-check processor on the planet. A veteran of the United States Army, he has become a multi-millionaire through honest, smart business practices. He frequently speaks at business conventions and is a paid advisor to multiple corporations. He also holds a seat on the board of breast cancer non-profit, as well as a clean ocean initiative in the Caribbean.

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